Geertruida van Saksen, 10331113 (leeftijd 80 jaar)

Geertruida /van Saksen/
van Saksen
Aangenomen huwelijksnaam
van Holland
Gezin met ouders
Geboren: rond 990 25
Overleden: 29 juni 1059
Geboren: rond 1005 55 35
Overleden: na 10 december 1059
zij zelf
Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]
Geboren: 1033 43 28Schweinfurt, (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Franken (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Deutschland)
Overleden: 3 augustus 1113Veurne, (Present Westflandern), Comté de Flandre, France (Present Belgium)
Gezin met Floris I van Holland
Floris I van Holland
Geboren: rond 1025 43 40Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 28 juni 1061Nederhemert, Nederland
zij zelf
Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]
Geboren: 1033 43 28Schweinfurt, (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Franken (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Deutschland)
Overleden: 3 augustus 1113Veurne, (Present Westflandern), Comté de Flandre, France (Present Belgium)
Huwelijk: Vlaardingen, Nederland
Dirk V van Holland
Geboren: rond 1054 29 21Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 18 november 1091
5 jaar
Bertha van Holland
Geboren: 1058 33 25Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 1094château de Montreuil-sur-Mer, Montreuil, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Gezin met Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen
Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen
Geboren: tussen 1029 en 1032 19 23
Overleden: 13 oktober 1093Kasteel van Wijnendale, Torhout, België
zij zelf
Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]
Geboren: 1033 43 28Schweinfurt, (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Franken (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Deutschland)
Overleden: 3 augustus 1113Veurne, (Present Westflandern), Comté de Flandre, France (Present Belgium)
Gertrudis van Vlaanderen [van Lotharingen]
Geboren: 1075 46 42Vlaanderen, Belgie
Overleden: 1117Kortrijk, Vlaanderen
Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen + … …
Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen
Geboren: tussen 1029 en 1032 19 23
Overleden: 13 oktober 1093Kasteel van Wijnendale, Torhout, België
Huwelijk: 1063
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Gebeurtenis Smart Matching
    Rol 1001630
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Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]

Gebeurtenis: Smart Matching
Rol: 1001630
Inschrijfdatum in originele bron: 2 november 2013

Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen

Kwaliteit van gegevens: primair bewijs

<p>Geertruida van Saksen (1033 - 3 augustus 1113) was de dochter van Bernhard II, hertog van Saksen en Eilika van Schweinfurt.</p><p> </p><p>Ze trouwde rond het jaar 1050 met Floris I van Holland. Kinderen waren:</p><p> Dirk V van Holland (1054-1091)</p><p> Floris, jong overleden te Luik, waar hij mogelijk heen was gestuurd voor zijn opvoeding</p><p> Bertha van Holland (ca. 1058-1094), gehuwd met Filips I van Frankrijk</p><p> mogelijk Adelheid (1045-1085), gehuwd met Boudewijn I van Guînes</p><p> </p><p>Geertruida werd in 1061 weduwe. Korte tijd na het overlijden van Floris, nam bisschop Willem van Cuijck van Utrecht, het Rijnland en Kennemerland in bezit. Dit werd door de keizerin bevestigd, de minderjarige Dirk had toen alleen nog de monding van de grote rivieren en een paar eilanden in het noorden in bezit. Geertruida besefte dat ze een sterke bondgenoot nodig had en ze trouwde in 1063 met Robrecht I van Vlaanderen, de broer van de graaf Boudewijn V van Vlaanderen. Robrecht gaf zijn aanspraken in Vlaanderen op (ten gunste van zijn neef Arnulf) en wijdde zich aan zijn Friese belangen, daaraan ontleent hij in Vlaanderen zijn bijnaam "de Fries". Dirk ontving Vlaanderen ten oosten van de Schelde en de eilanden ten westen van de Schelde (o.a. Walcheren), als apanage.</p><p> </p><p>Robrecht en Boudewijn wisten het Rijnland en Kennemerland weer terug te veroveren maar keizer Hendrik IV gaf hertog Godfried III van Lotharingen van Neder-Lotharingen opdracht om de bisschop te verdedigen. Godfried werd op 26 februari 1076 vermoord in Delft. Toen bisschop Willem een paar maanden later ook overleed, verzamelde Dirk een Vlaams leger en probeerde opnieuw zijn graafschap te heroveren. De nieuwe bisschop Koenraad verschanste zich in het kasteel van IJsselmonde. Toen Dirk het kasteel wist te veroveren was de strijd beslist: Koenraad sloot vrede en gaf daarbij het Rijnland en Kennemerland terug aan Dirk.</p><p> </p><p>Geertruida trad in 1089 nog op als regentes van Vlaanderen terwijl Robrecht Jeruzalem bezocht. Ze overleed op 3 augustus 1113 te Veurne en is aldaar in de St.-Walburgakerk begraven.</p><p> </p><p>Geertruida en Robrecht kregen de volgende kinderen:</p><p> Adela van Vlaanderen, gehuwd met Knoet IV van Denemarken, en de ouders van Karel van Vlaanderen de Goede</p><p> Robrecht II van Vlaanderen</p><p> Filips, vader van Willem van Ieper</p><p> mogelijk Ogiva, abdis van Mesen</p><p> mogelijk Boudewijn</p><p> Gertrudis, in haar tweede huwelijk getrouwd met Diederik van Opper-Lotharingen, en de ouders van Diederik van de Elzas</p>


<p>1061-69 Regent Dowager Countess Geertruida von Sachsen of Holland (The Netherlands) </p><p>Widow of Floris I and regent for son Dirk V (1061-71 and 1076-91). In 1063 she remarried Robrecht van Flanders - a son Count Bodewijn V - probably to secure her position against the German emperor Heinrich IV and the two acted as co-regents for Dirk and were involved in wars with various neighboring rulers - and in 1070 the county was conquered by the Duke of Brabant. </p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege. </p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091). </p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072. </p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes. </p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111). </p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. </p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders. </p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders. </p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>dog den 3:e Aug 1113 i Veurne.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p><p>Jump to: navigation, search</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege. </p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091). </p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072. </p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes. </p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111). </p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. </p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders. </p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders. </p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines. </p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>[edit] Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p> 1. Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.</p><p> 2. Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).</p><p> 3. Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.</p><p> 4. Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.</p><p> 5. Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.</p><p> 6. Machteld (b. ca. 1057)</p><p> 7. Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.</p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p> 1. Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).</p><p> 2. Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.</p><p> 3. Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.</p><p> 4. Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.</p><p> 5. Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Princess of Saxony </p><p>Gift två gånger.</p><p>Andra gången med Robert I of Flanders.</p><p>Barn i andra äktenskapet</p><p>1. Count Robert II of FLANDERS, b. Abt 1063, d. 5 Oct 1111 </p><p>2. Gertrude De FLANDERS, b. Abt 1064, Of, , Flanders, Belgium , d. 1117 </p><p>3. Adele of FLANDERS, b. Abt 1065, d. 1115 </p><p>--------------------</p><p>Navn: Gertrud av Sachsen </p><p>Regjeringstid: Holland: 1061 - 1063 </p><p>Født: 1030? </p><p>Død: 4. august 1113 </p><p>Foreldre: Bernhard II av Sachsen</p><p>og Eilika av Schweinfurt </p><p>Ektefelle (r): Floris I av Holland og</p><p>Robrecht av Flandern </p><p>Barn: bl.a. Dirk V og Bertha </p><p>&nbsp</p><p>Gertrud av Sachsen (født circa 1030, død 4. august 1113, nederlandsk Geertruida) var datter av Bernhard II av Sachsen og Eilika av Schweinfurt. Rundt 1050 giftet hun seg med grev Floris I av Holland og da han døde 28. juni 1061 ble hun verge for den nye greven, deres sønn Dirk V.</p><p>Ved Dirk den femtes overtagelse av grevskapet utnyttet biskop Vilhelm I av Utrecht muligheten han fikk til å okkupere deler av områder han gjorde krav på i Holland. Vilhelms krav ble bekreftet av to skriftstykker fra keiser Henrik IV (30. april 1064 og 2. mai 1064). De eneste områdene Dirk fikk beholde lå vestenfor Vlie og rundt Rhinens utløp.</p><p>Gertrud og Dirk trakk seg tilbake øyene i dagens Zeeland og overlot de omstridte landområdene til okkupanten Vilhelm. I 1063 giftet Gertrud seg på nytt, denne gangen med Boudewijn V av Flanderns nest eldste sønn Robrecht av Flandern, også kjent som «friseren Robrecht». Robrecht ga Dirk det keiserlige Flandern som apanasje, inklusive øyene vest for Schelde i Zeeland.</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>[rediger] Familie og barn</p><p>Gertrud og Floris I fikk syv barn:</p><p>Albrecht (født ca. 1051), kannik i Liége. </p><p>Dirk V (født ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17. juni 1091). </p><p>Pieter (født ca. 1053), kannik i Liége. </p><p>Bertha (født ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), gift med Filip I av Frankrike i 1072. </p><p>Floris (født ca. 1055), kannik i Liége. </p><p>Machteld (født ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (født ca. 1061), gift med grev Baudouin I av Guines. </p><p>Med Robrecht I fikk hun ytterligere fem barn:</p><p>Robrecht II (født ca. 1065 – 5. oktober, 1111). </p><p>Adela (død i 1115), først gift med kong Knud IV av Danmark. Sammen fikk de sønnen Karl den gode, som senere ble greve av Flandern. Hun giftet seg senere med Roger Borsa, hertug av Puglia. </p><p>Gertrude, som giftet seg med hertug Thierry II av Lorraine. Sammen fikk de sønnen Thierry av Alsace, den senere greven av Flandern. </p><p>Philip av Loo. Hans uekte sønn Vilhelm av Ypres hadde også et krav på grevskapet Flandern. </p><p>Ogiva, abbedisse av Messines. </p><p>[rediger] Ekstern lenke</p><p>Genealogi A-Z </p><p>Hentet fra «»</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>[edit]Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.</p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).</p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.</p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.</p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.</p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057)</p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.</p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).</p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.</p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.</p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.</p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege. </p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091). </p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072. </p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes. </p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111). </p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. </p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders. </p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders. </p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines. </p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>[edit] Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>1.Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.</p><p>2.Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).</p><p>3.Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.</p><p>4.Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.</p><p>5.Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.<p>6.Machteld (b. ca. 1057)</p><p>7.Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.</p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>1.Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 ��� October 5, 1111).</p><p>2.Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.</p><p>3.Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.</p><p>4.Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.</p><p>5.Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>[edit] External links</p><p>Genealogy A-Z</p><p>FMG on Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>&nbsp</p><p> This biography of a member of a European royal house is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. </p><p>v • d • e </p><p> This article about a person from the Netherlands is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. </p><p>v • d • e </p><p>Retrieved from ""</p><p>Categories: European royalty stubs Dutch people stubs 1030s births 1113 deaths Medieval women Female regents House of Billung</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>[edit]Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.</p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).</p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.</p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.</p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.</p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057)</p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.</p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).</p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.</p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.</p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.</p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count. </p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege. </p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091). </p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072. </p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes. </p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111). </p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. </p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders. </p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders. </p><p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines. </p><p>--------------------</p><p></p><p>Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p><p>Jump to: navigation, search</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>[edit] Family and children</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p> 1. Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.</p><p> 2. Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).</p><p> 3. Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.</p><p> 4. Bertha (ca. 1055���1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.</p><p> 5. Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.</p><p> 6. Machteld (b. ca. 1057)</p><p> 7. Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.</p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p> 1. Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).</p><p> 2. Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.</p><p> 3. Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.</p><p> 4. Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.</p><p> 5. Ogiva, abbess of Messines.</p><p>[edit] External links</p><p> * Genealogy A-Z</p><p> * FMG on Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>This page was last modified on 19 June 2010 at 01:29.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrud av Sachsen (født circa 1030, død 4. august 1113, nederlandsk Geertruida) var datter av Bernhard II av Sachsen og Eilika av Schweinfurt. Rundt 1050 giftet hun seg med grev Floris I av Holland og da han døde 28. juni 1061 ble hun verge for den nye greven, deres sønn Dirk V.</p><p>Ved Dirk den femtes overtagelse av grevskapet utnyttet biskop Vilhelm I av Utrecht muligheten han fikk til å okkupere deler av områder han gjorde krav på i Holland. Vilhelms krav ble bekreftet av to skriftstykker fra keiser Henrik IV (30. april 1064 og 2. mai 1064). De eneste områdene Dirk fikk beholde lå vestenfor Vlie og rundt Rhinens utløp.</p><p>Gertrud og Dirk trakk seg tilbake øyene i dagens Zeeland og overlot de omstridte landområdene til okkupanten Vilhelm. I 1063 giftet Gertrud seg på nytt, denne gangen med Boudewijn V av Flanderns nest eldste sønn Robrecht av Flandern, også kjent som «friseren Robrecht». Robrecht ga Dirk det keiserlige Flandern som apanasje, inklusive øyene vest for Schelde i Zeeland.</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>[rediger] Familie og barn</p><p>Gertrud og Floris I fikk syv barn:</p><p>Albrecht (født ca. 1051), kannik i Liège. </p><p>Dirk V (født ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17. juni 1091). </p><p>Pieter (født ca. 1053), kannik i Liége. </p><p>Bertha (født ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), gift med Filip I av Frankrike i 1072. </p><p>Floris (født ca. 1055), kannik i Liége. </p><p>Machteld (født ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (født ca. 1061), gift med grev Baudouin I av Guines. </p><p>Med Robrecht I fikk hun ytterligere fem barn:</p><p>Robrecht II (født ca. 1065 – 5. oktober, 1111). </p><p>Adela (død i 1115), først gift med kong Knud IV av Danmark. Sammen fikk de sønnen Karl den gode, som senere ble greve av Flandern. Hun giftet seg senere med Roger Borsa, hertug av Puglia. </p><p>Gertrude, som giftet seg med hertug Thierry II av Lorraine. Sammen fikk de sønnen Thierry av Alsace, den senere greven av Flandern. </p><p>Philip av Loo. Hans uekte sønn Vilhelm av Ypres hadde også et krav på grevskapet Flandern. </p><p>Ogiva, abbedisse</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>. Gertrud av Sachsen, Gertrud Billung, född 1028/1035, död 1113/1115, begravd i Flandern, grevinna av Holland och Flandern. Dotter till hertig Bernhard II av Sachsen (död 1059) och Eilika av Schweinfurt.</p><p>Gertrud gifte sig första gången omkring 1050 med greve Florenz I av Holland (mördad 1061). I sitt 1063 ingångna andra äktenskap med greve Robert I av Flandern (död 1093) blev hon mor till Adele av Flandern.</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>2. Gertrud av Sachsen, född 1152/1155, död 1196/1197, begravd i Roskilde domkyrka i Danmark, hertiginna av Schwaben och drottning av Danmark. Dotter till hertig Henrik Lejonet av Sachsen och Bayern (död 1195) i dennes första gifte med Klementia av Zähringen (död 1173/1178).</p><p>Gertrud gifte sig första gången 1 juni 1166 med hertig Friedrich IV av Schwaben (1144/1145-1167) och andra gången 1171/1177 med kung Knut VI Valdemarsson av Danmark (1162/1163-1202).</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.</p><p>When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.</p><p>In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.</p><p>She had a total of seven children with Floris I:</p><p>Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege. </p><p>Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091). </p><p>Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072. </p><p>Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége. </p><p>Machteld (b. ca. 1057) </p><p>Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes. </p><p>From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:</p><p>Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111). </p><p>Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. </p><p>Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders. </p><p>Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders. </p>Ogiva, abbess of Messines.