Bertha van Holland, 10581094 (leeftijd 36 jaar)

Bertha /van Holland/
van Holland
Geboren 1058 33 25
HuwelijkFilips I van FrankrijkBekijk dit gezin
1072 (leeftijd 14 jaar)

Comtesse, de Westfriesland

Geboorte van een zoonLodewijk VI van Frankrijk
1081 (leeftijd 23 jaar)

Begraven 1093 (leeftijd 35 jaar)

Overleden 1094 (leeftijd 36 jaar)
Gezin met ouders
Floris I van Holland
Geboren: rond 1025 43 40Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 28 juni 1061Nederhemert, Nederland
Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]
Geboren: 1033 43 28Schweinfurt, (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Franken (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Deutschland)
Overleden: 3 augustus 1113Veurne, (Present Westflandern), Comté de Flandre, France (Present Belgium)
Huwelijk: Vlaardingen, Nederland
oudere broer
Dirk V van Holland
Geboren: rond 1054 29 21Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 18 november 1091
5 jaar
zij zelf
Bertha van Holland
Geboren: 1058 33 25Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 1094château de Montreuil-sur-Mer, Montreuil, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Gezin van moeder met Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen
Robrecht de Fries van Vlaanderen
Geboren: tussen 1029 en 1032 19 23
Overleden: 13 oktober 1093Kasteel van Wijnendale, Torhout, België
Geertruida van Saksen [van Holland]
Geboren: 1033 43 28Schweinfurt, (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Franken (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Deutschland)
Overleden: 3 augustus 1113Veurne, (Present Westflandern), Comté de Flandre, France (Present Belgium)
Gertrudis van Vlaanderen [van Lotharingen]
Geboren: 1075 46 42Vlaanderen, Belgie
Overleden: 1117Kortrijk, Vlaanderen
Gezin met Filips I van Frankrijk
Geboren: 23 mei 1052
Overleden: 29 juli 1108Melun
zij zelf
Bertha van Holland
Geboren: 1058 33 25Vlaardingen, Nederland
Overleden: 1094château de Montreuil-sur-Mer, Montreuil, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Huwelijk: 1072
10 jaar
Geboren: 1081 28 23
Overleden: 1 augustus 1137Béthisy-Saint-Pierre, Frankrijk
Bronvan Maren Web Site
Gebeurtenis Smart Matching
    Rol 101000854
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Bertha van Holland

Gebeurtenis: Smart Matching
Rol: 101000854
Inschrijfdatum in originele bron: 3 juni 2013

Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen

Kwaliteit van gegevens: primair bewijs
Bronvanderzanden Web Site
Gebeurtenis Smart Matching
    Rol 1001693
Details citaat:

Berta van Holland

Gebeurtenis: Smart Matching
Rol: 1001693
Inschrijfdatum in originele bron: 2 november 2013

Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen

Kwaliteit van gegevens: primair bewijs

! (1) Queen of France


Gestorven op 30 juli 1094 - Montreuil-sur-Mer


<p>&nbsp</p>from &quot;Our Folk&quot; by Albert D Hart, Jr.


<p>Filha do conde Florent I da Holanda e de Gertrude de Saxe, era neta materna de Bernardo II, duque da Saxónia. Depois da morte do seu pai em 1061, a sua mãe voltou a casar-se com Roberto I, conde da Flandres. Em 1072, este acordou uma aliança política com Filipe I de França, que incluía o seu casamento com o monarca francês.</p><p>Berta só gerou um herdeiro nove anos depois. A lenda popular conta que a sua fertilidade só foi restaurada graças às orações de um eremita, Arnaldo, que deu o nome de Luís à criança. Na verdade teve cinco crianças, sendo a primeira do sexo feminino:</p><p> * Constança de França (1078-1124), casada com Hugo I, conde de Champagne em 1097 e, depois da separação, com Boemundo I, príncipe de Antióquia, em 1106</p><p> * Luís VI de França (1081-1137)</p><p> * Henrique (n. 1083), morreu jovem</p><p> * Carlos (n. 1085), abade em Charlieu, no Loire</p><p> * Odo (1087-1096), morreu jovem</p>Em 1092 Filipe enamorou-se de com Bertranda de Monforte, condessa de Anjou, e repudiou Berta alegando consanguinidade, uma vez que eram primos afastados. Aprisionada pelo rei francês na fortaleza de Montreuil-sur-Mer, lá morreria a 30 de Julho de 1094.




<p><p>Seal to Parents: 4 APR 1992 LVEGA - Las Vegas, NVName Suffix:<NSFX> [QUEEN OF FRANCEAncestral File Number:<AFN> 7Z10-K8</p>Seal to Parents: 4 APR 1992 LVEGA - Las Vegas, NV</p><p>Name Suffix:<NSFX> [QUEEN OF FRANCE</p>Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 7Z10-K8


<p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1094) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>She was the daughter of (Florent I) Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p>Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106 </p><p>Louis (December 1, 1081–August 1, 1137) </p><p>Henry (b. 1083) (died young) </p><p>Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey </p><p>Eudes (1087-1096) </p><p>In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>The family of Philippe Ier de FRANCE and Berthe de HOLLANDE</p><p>[10403] FRANCE (de), Philippe Ier (Henri Ier & Anne de KIEV ou de RUSSIE [10404]), roi de France, born 1053, died 1108-07-29 Melun (Seine-et-Marne : 770288), France, buried Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire (Loiret : 450270), France</p><p>* married 1071 or 1073 .. (France)</p><p>HOLLANDE (de), Berthe (..)</p><p> 1) Louis VI le Gros, roi de France, born about 1078, died 1137-08-01 Paris (Paris : 750056), France, buried Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis : 930066), France, married .. (France) 1115 Adélaïde de SAVOIE</p><p>Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Mémoires (Société généalogique canadienne-française) </p><p></p><p>--------------------</p><p>Filha do conde Florent I da Holanda e de Gertrude de Saxe, era neta materna de Bernardo II, duque da Saxónia. Depois da morte do seu pai em 1061, a sua mãe voltou a casar-se com Roberto I, conde da Flandres. Em 1072, este acordou uma aliança política com Filipe I de França, que incluía o seu casamento com o monarca francês.</p><p>Berta só gerou um herdeiro nove anos depois. A lenda popular conta que a sua fertilidade só foi restaurada graças às orações de um eremita, Arnaldo, que deu o nome de Luís à criança.</p><p>Em 1092 Filipe enamorou-se de com Bertranda de Monforte, condessa de Anjou, e repudiou Berta alegando consanguinidade, uma vez que eram primos afastados. Aprisionada pelo rei francês na fortaleza de Montreuil-sur-Mer, lá morreria a 30 de Julho de 1094.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1094) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>She was the daughter of (Florent I) Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p>Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106 </p><p>Louis (December 1, 1081–August 1, 1137) </p><p>Henry (b. 1083) (died young) </p><p>Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey </p><p>Eudes (1087-1096) </p><p>In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>&nbsp</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1093) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>Biography</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>Children</p><p>Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p> 1. Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106</p><p> 2. Louis (1 December 1081–1 August 1137)</p><p> 3. Henry (b. 1083) (died young)</p><p> 4. Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey</p><p> 5. Eudes (1087-1096)</p><p>--------------------</p><p></p><p>Bertha of Holland</p><p>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p><p>Jump to: navigation, search</p><p>Bertha of Holland</p><p>Queen consort of the Franks</p><p>Tenure 1072-1092</p><p>Spouse Philip I of France</p><p>Issue</p><p>Constance, Princess of Antioch</p><p>Louis VI of France</p><p>House House of Capet</p><p>Father Floris I, Count of Holland</p><p>Mother Gertrude of Saxony</p><p>Born c. 1055</p><p>Died 1093 (aged 37–38)</p><p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1093) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>[edit] Biography</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>[edit] Children</p><p>Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p> 1. Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106</p><p> 2. Louis (1 December 1081–1 August 1137)</p><p> 3. Henry (b. 1083) (died young)</p><p> 4. Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey</p><p> 5. Eudes (1087-1096)</p><p>[edit] Sources</p><p> * Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Lines: 101-23, 103-23.</p><p> * Duby, Georges. The Knight, the Lady, and the Priest: the making of modern marriage in medieval France, 1983.</p><p> * Encyclopaedia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge, 1942, s.v. "Philip I".</p><p>French royalty</p><p>Preceded by</p><p>Anne of Kiev Queen consort of the Franks</p><p>1072–1092 Succeeded by</p><p>Bertrade de Montfort</p><p>[hide]</p><p>v • d • e</p><p>Queens and Empresses of France</p><p>Adelaide of Aquitaine (987–996) · Rozala of Italy (996) · Bertha of Burgundy (996–1000) · Constance of Arles (1003–1031) · Matilda of Frisia (1034–1044) · Anne of Kiev (1051–1060) · Bertha of Holland (1071–1092) · Bertrade de Montfort (1092–1108) · Adelaide of Maurienne (1115–1137) · Eleanor of Aquitaine (1137–1152) · Constance of Castile (1154–1160) · Adèle of Champagne (1164–1180) · Isabelle of Hainaut (1180–1190) · Ingeborg of Denmark (1193–1193; 1200-1223) · Agnes of Merania (1196–1200) · Blanche of Castile (1223–1226) · Margaret of Provence (1234–1270) · Isabella of Aragon (1270–1271) · Maria of Brabant (1274–1285) · Joan I of Navarre (1285–1305) · Margaret of Burgundy (1314–1315) · Clementia of Hungary (1315–1316) · Joan II of Burgundy (1316–1322) · Blanche of Burgundy (1322) · Maria of Luxembourg (1322–1324) · Jeanne d'Évreux (1325–1328) · Joan the Lame (1328–1348) · Blanche of Navarre (1350) · Joan I of Auvergne (1350–1360) · Joanna of Bourbon (1364–1378) · Isabeau of Bavaria (1385–1422) · Marie of Anjou (1422–1461) · Charlotte of Savoy (1461–1483) · Anne of Brittany (1491–1498; 1498–1514) · Joan of France (1498) · Mary of England · Claude of France (1515–1524) · Eleanor of Austria (1530–1547) · Catherine de' Medici (1547–1559) · Mary, Queen of Scots (1559–1560) · Elisabeth of Austria (1570–1574) · Louise of Lorraine (1575–1589) · Margaret of Valois (1589–1599) · Marie de' Medici (1600–1610) · Anne of Austria (1615–1643) · Maria Theresa of Austria (1660–1683) · Marie Leszczy ska (1725–1768) �� Marie Antoinette of Austria (1774–1792) · Maria Josephine of Savoy* (1795–1810) · Joséphine de Beauharnais (1804–1810) · Marie Louise of Austria (1810–1814) · Marie Thérèse of France* (1830) · Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily (1830–1848) · Eugénie de Montijo (1853–1870)</p><p>*disputed</p><p>This page was last modified on 26 October 2009 at 19:25.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1093) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>Biography</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>Children</p><p>Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p> 1. Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106</p><p> 2. Louis (1 December 1081–1 August 1137)</p><p> 3. Henry (b. 1083) (died young)</p><p> 4. Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey</p><p> 5. Eudes (1087-1096)</p><p>--------------------</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>Children</p><p>Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p> 1. Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106</p><p> 2. Louis (1 December 1081–1 August 1137)</p><p> 3. Henry (b. 1083) (died young)</p><p> 4. Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey</p><p> 5. Eudes (1087-1096)</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1094) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>She was the daughter of (Florent I) Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. Together, Philip and Bertha had five children:</p><p>Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106 </p><p>Louis (December 1, 1081–August 1, 1137) </p><p>Henry (b. 1083) (died young) </p><p>Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu Abbey </p><p>Eudes (1087-1096) </p><p>In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Bertha of Holland was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p><p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, our ancestor Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. Together, Philip and Bertha had four other children.</p><p>In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.</p><p>See for more information.</p><p>--------------------</p><p>Source: The book, 'Kings & Queens of France'--------------------Bertha of Holland (c. 1055–1093) was the first wife and queen of Philip I of France, King of France.</p><p>Biography</p><p>She was the daughter of Floris I, Count of Holland, by his wife Gertrude of Saxony, the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony. After her father died in 1061, her mother remarried to Robert I, Count of Flanders, called Le Frisian. In 1072 her stepfather concluded a peace treaty with King Philip. As part of the terms of the treaty Bertha was married to Philip.</p>Nine years passed before Bertha produced the desired son and heir, Louis. Reportedly, her fertility was only restored thanks to the prayers of a hermit, Arnoul, who also named the child. In 1092, Philip repudiated Bertha, alleging that she was too fat. He confined her to the fortress of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and took up with Bertrade de Montfort, the countess of Anjou.


ou DCD à Montreul s/Loire ?


! (1) Queen of France


<p>! (1) Queen of France</p><p> ?? Line 3563: (New PAF RIN=10204)</p><p> 1 DEAT</p> 2 PLAC , Montreuil-sur-Loir, Maine-et-Loire, France


! (1) Queen of France


<p>Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 7Z10-HW</p>Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 7Z10-HW


! (1) Queen of France




! (1) Queen of France


_P_CCINFO 1-20792


<p><p>Bertha av Holland (født ca.1055-1094) var kong Filip I av Frankrikes første kone og dronning.</p><p>Bertha av Holland var datter av grev Floris I av Holland og Geertruida av Sachsen, og Bernhard II av Sachsen og Eilika av Schweinfurts datterdatter. Etter at Floris I døde i 1061, giftet hennes mor seg pa ny med Robrecht av Flandern, som ogsa var kjent som ?friseren Robrecht?. Han sluttet i 1072 en fredsavtale med kong Filip av Frankrike, og en av betingelsene i denne var at Bertha skulle gifte seg med Filip. Dermed ble en politisk allianse mot det sterke Normandie som ble styrt av Vilhelm Erobreren bygget.</p><p>Det tok ni a r før hun fødte deres sønn og arving, Louis. Det sies at hun fikk sin fruktbarhet tilbake takket være eremitten Arnouls bønner. Arnoul var ogsa den som bestemte barnets navn. Sammen fikk Filip og Bertha fem barn:</p><p>Constance (1078-1125), gift med Bohemund I av Taranto. Han var en av lederne for det første korstoget. Ludvig VI av Frankrike (1081-1137) Henri (1083 - død som barn) Charles (1085 - død som barn) Eudes (1087 - 1096) I 1092 bortviste Filip Bertha, som grunn anførte han at hun var for tykk og William av Malmesbury skrev om dette: quad illa praepinguis corpulentiae esset, a lecto removit. Filip hadde i virkeligheten forelsket seg i Bertrade de Montfort, enkegrevinne etter Fulco IV av Anjou. Bertha ble forvist til festningen i Montreuil-sur-Mer, og døde der to a r senere.</p></p><p>Kilder</p><p>Duby, Georges. The Knight, the Lady, and the Priest: the making of modern marriage in medieval France, 1983. </p>Encyclopaedia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge, 1942, s.v. ?Philip I?.


<p><p>Philip and Bertha had five children:</p>Constance, married Hugh I of Champagne before 1097 and then, after her divorce, to Bohemund I of Antioch in 1106</p><p>Louis (December 1, 1081–August 1, 1137)</p><p>Henry (b. 1083) (died young)</p><p>Charles (b. 1085) abbot of Charlieu </p>Eudes (1087-1096)
