Audofleda der Merovingen, 463530 (leeftijd 67 jaar)

Audofleda /der Merovingen/
der Merovingen
Geboren 463 27 25

HuwelijkTheoderic der OstrogothenBekijk dit gezin

Geboorte van een dochterTheudicote Balthes der Ostrogothen
475 (leeftijd 12 jaar)

Geboorte van een zoonArnold I van Metz
495 (leeftijd 32 jaar)

Overleden 530 (leeftijd 67 jaar)

Gezin met ouders
Geboren: 436 26
Overleden: 26 december 481
Basine en Childerik
Geboren: 438 43 30Thuringen, Duitsland
Overleden: 499
zij zelf
Geboren: 463 27 25
Overleden: 530
4 jaar
jongere broer
Clovis en Clothilde
Geboren: 466 30 28Reims, Frankrijk
Overleden: 7 december 511St. Pierre
Gezin van moeder met Bisinus (Basinus II) van Thüringen
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Basine en Childerik
Geboren: 438 43 30Thuringen, Duitsland
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Overleden: 530
Geboren: 475 21 12
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21 jaar
Geboren: 495 41 32
Overleden: 550
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    Rol 31032554
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Audofleda der Merovingen [der Ostrogothen]

Gebeurtenis: Smart Matching
Rol: 31032554
Inschrijfdatum in originele bron: 27 juni 2013

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BronPlantenga Web Site
Gebeurtenis Smart Matching
    Rol 1500992
Details citaat:

Audofleda Der Merovingen [van Keulen]

Gebeurtenis: Smart Matching
Rol: 1500992
Inschrijfdatum in originele bron: 28 juni 2013

Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen

Kwaliteit van gegevens: primair bewijs

<div class="basic_hd">ians (covering her birth family):</p> <p><a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>1. CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai).</p> <p>Gregory of Tours records that Merovech was the father of Childerich[17]. The Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum names "Merovechus&hellip;filium&hellip;Childerico"[18].</p> <p>He succeeded in [451/57] as leader of the Franks in Roman Gaul, and subsequently adopted the title CHILDERICH I King of the Franks, confirmed by his undated seal which bears the title "Childerici Regiz"[19].</p> <p>Gregory of Tours records that King Childerich's "private life was one long debauch" and that he was forced into exile in Thuringia by his subjects who chose as his replacement the Roman General &AElig;gidius, named magister militum per Gallias in [456/57] and who ruled for 8 years[20].</p> <p>Gregory of Tours records Childerich's restoration as king in Gaul, followed by his alliance with "Odovacar&hellip;[and] his Saxons" (indicating that this is unlikely to refer to the Ostrogoth leader in Italy), and their joint subjugation of the Alamanni[21]. A letter from Remigius Bishop of Reims to Childerich's son Clovis congratulates the latter on taking over his father's position in "Belgica Secunda"[22], implying that Childerich's authority was limited to the north-east part of Gaul.</p> <p>The Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum records that "Childericus rex" reigned for 24 years[23].</p> <p>m ([464]) as her second husband, BASINA, formerly wife of BASINUS King of Thuringia, daughter of ---.</p> <p>Gregory of Tours names Basina as wife of Basinus King of Thuringia, with whom King Childerich sought refuge after being deposed, Basina deserting her first husband to join Childerich after he was restored as king in Gaul[24].</p> <p>The marriage date is estimated on the basis of how long Childerich was allegedly in exile, assuming that the date of his deposition is accurate, and is appears to be consistent with the estimated dates of birth of the couple's descendants. The Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum records that "Childericus rex" committed adultery with "in Toringam&hellip;Basina regina uxorem Bisini regis" who abandoned her husband to join Childerich[25].</p> <p>Assuming that Basina existed, it is unlikely that her first name is correct considering that it is the feminine form of her first husband's name.</p> <p>King Childerich &amp; his wife had four children:</p> <p>a) CHLODOVECH [Clovis] ([464/67]-Paris [27 Nov] 511, bur Paris, basilique des Saints-Ap&ocirc;tres [later &eacute;glise de Sainte-Genevi&egrave;ve]).</p> <p>Gregory of Tours names Clovis as son of Childerich &amp; Basina[26]. He succeeded his father in [481/82] as CLOVIS I King of the Franks.</p> <p>b) LANDECHILDIS [Lantilde].</p> <p>Gregory of Tours names Lanthechild as sister of King Clovis, specifying that she was baptised with him after having followed the Arian faith[27]. She converted to Arianism, according to the title of one of the sermons of Avitus Bishop of Vienne[28].</p> <p>---</p> <p>c) AUDOFLEDIS .</p> <p>Gregory of Tours names Audofleda as sister of King Clovis, recording that she married Theodoric King of Italy[29]. Iordanes records the marriage of Theodoric and "Lodoin Francorum regem filiam eius Audefledam" and names her brothers "Celdebertum et Heldebertum et Thiudebertum"[30], although this is presumably an incorrect reference to her nephews and great-nephew with similar names.</p> <p>m ([492]) THEODORIC King of the Ostrogoths in Italy, illegitimate son of THEODEMIR King of the Ostrogoths in Pannonia &amp; his concubine Ereleuva --- ([454]-30 Aug 526).</p> <p>---</p> <p>d) ALBOFLEDIS (-after 496).</p> <p>Gregory of Tours names Albofled as sister of King Clovis, specifying that she was baptised but died soon after, St R&eacute;my sending a letter of condolence to her brother[31]. From the context, it would appear that her baptism took place around the same time as her brother was baptised.</p> <p>&ldquo;Remigius Episcopus&rdquo; wrote to &ldquo;Chlodoveo Regi&rdquo; consoling him on the death of &ldquo;germana vestra&hellip;Albochledis&rdquo;[32].</p> <p>References:</p> <p>[18] Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum 6, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 246.</p> <p>[19] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La pr&eacute;histoire des Cap&eacute;tiens 481-987, 1&egrave;re partie, M&eacute;rovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 51.</p> <p>[20] Gregory of Tours II.12, p. 128.</p> <p>[21] Gregory of Tours II.18 and 19, p. 132.</p> <p>[22] Epistul&aelig; Austrasiac&aelig; 2, MGH Epistol&aelig; 3, discussed in Wood, I. (1994) The Merovingian Kingdoms (Longman), p. 41.</p> <p>[23] Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum 9, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 251.</p> <p>[24] Gregory of Tours II.12, p. 129.</p> <p>[25] Liber Histori&aelig; Francorum 7, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 249.</p> <p>[26] Gregory of Tours II.12, p. 129.</p> <p>[27] Gregory of Tours II.31, p. 145.</p> <p>[28] Wood, I. (1994) The Merovingian Kingdoms (Longman), p. 44.</p> <p>[29] Gregory of Tours III.31, p. 187.</p> <p>[30] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 131.</p> <p>[31] Gregory of Tours II.31, pp. 144-5.</p> <p>[32] RHGF IV, p. 51.</p> <p></div></p>